In the picturesque coastal town of Sukošan in Croatia, Restaurant Barbir played host to the IYC Croatia and Montenegro Captains’ party. The event brought together approximately 70 attendees, including esteemed Captains from the IYC fleet and others we’ve had the privilege of collaborating with over the years. This gathering was not only a way for IYC’s Croatia and Montenegro offices to express gratitude to those who keep our fleet in top shape and continuously deliver exceptional experiences for our esteemed clients, but also a celebration of the relationships that form the backbone of our industry.
One of the most memorable moments of the evening was a heartfelt speech delivered by Global Managing Partner, Filip Jerolimov, who expressed his deep gratitude for the Captains’ trust and unwavering support over the years. Filip’s words reflected on the company’s journey and celebrated the collective successes achieved through collaboration and dedication.
The evening was further marked by delicious food including a variety of fresh ingredients ranging from beed tartare to octopus salad, fish carpaccios, nigiri sushi and more, as well as live entertainment provided by the talented band Vista and DJ Mate Kokić. Their performances kept the energy high and the mood celebratory.
Charter Manager from the Croatia office, Silvija Babjako, commented, “It was a real treat to see everyone come together in a relaxed and joyful setting, sharing stories, laughter, and a shared vision for the future. The evening underscored the importance of fostering strong connections and celebrating milestones together.”
As the night concluded, it was evident that the gathering had left a lasting impression on all who attended. We look forward to more such moments in the future as we continue to navigate the seas together.